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 yo mama animation

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Posts : 40
Join date : 2010-06-09
Age : 28
Location : Massachusetts

yo mama animation Empty
PostSubject: yo mama animation   yo mama animation I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 2:22 pm

þ{*0}Yo Mama is so fat
{*1}she fell in love
{*2}and broke it.
{0}Yo Mama is so fat
{*1}when a school bus
{*2}rolls down the road
{*0}she yells
{*1}stop that Twinky!!!
{*2}Yo Mama is so fat
{*0}she got baptised
{*1}in seaworld
{*2}Yo Mama so fat that
{*0}when she does a
{*1}push up she dont
{*2}go up
{*0}the world goes
{*0}Yo Mama so dumb
{*1}she named her house
{*2}butt and her son
{*0}crack and she called
{*1}the cops and said
{*2}i looked all up
{*0}in my butt but i
{*1}can't find my
{*2}Yo Mama is so stupid
{*1}that she put a
{*0}piece of paper
{*1}on the tv to
{*2}see pay-per-view
{*2}Yo mam is so stupid
{*0}she tried to drown
{*1}a fish
{*2}Yo mama so ugly
{*0}that bob the builder
{*1}said we can't fix it
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